I have the power

So yesterday I attended my first “MS day”. I wasn’t apprehensive about going but more curious as to who would be attending. I was concerned for Michelle. She’s been so brilliant and probably knows more than I do now about MS. But still I didn’t want her seeing those who are affected worse than me and worrying that’s what the future has in store for us.

The group of around 30 consisted of people of all ages. All with different experiences of MS. I think Copaxone (my medication) was the common denominator. I still consider myself to have only had one clinically isolated episode although it lasted for months. So I really don’t think I have had to go through what many others in the room have been through or are currently going through. It was difficult for the most part to tell who were the ones with MS and who were there in support. Michelle was asked a couple of times when she was diagnosed. She would say she was here because of me but she’s been with me the whole way so can probably talk about the journey better than I can.

All in all it was a positive experience especially for Michelle which was important to me. I would like more emphasis on lifestyle factors such as diet and excercise as I know in my case anyway that’s played a big factor in both getting sick and recovering from my first attack. There was a piece on mindfulness which was interesting as it applied to anyone really. Although when the lady giving the talk asked us to close our eyes and listen to our surroundings I was afraid i was going to let a loud fart so kept laughing to myself. I need to take these things more seriously.

One part of the day that really struck me was after lunch when we sat in a circle facing each other. We were asked to put up our hand if we felt we had lost our identity because of MS. To see men and women of all ages put up their hand up was crushing. I suppose I hadn’t thought about having my own identity until now. I know we have all had different experiences of MS and it’s still new to many of us but I’ve thought to myself if I’m not going to start trying to be the person I want to be now when will I? I kept my hand down.

The motivational speaker at the end was good. He didn’t have MS but had overcome other demons. He got across some really good points. One being that how you dress affects how you feel about yourself. I’ve taken a mental note of that. He did say there was one thing he wanted us to take away from his talk but I can’t remember what that was. I like to blame MS for my poor short term memory.

My favourite part of the day was a talk called be your own superhero. I’ve already tweeted the speaker to say who I want to be:

Finally I love a good quote and Emma who gave the “superhero” talk had a couple for us. I think they were taken from poems. Immediately I had a line from an Aslan song come to my head. So to quote the mighty Christy and the boys:

“This is your life, your time, you gotta make it”



  1. Angela Bruce says:

    What a beautiful piece of writing Keith totally encompassing your strength, wit, and generosity of spirit. When Christmas comes Noah will get to meet a real life superhero…. His Uncle Keith x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. keifib says:

      Thanks Angela x


  2. Matserb says:

    Well Keith you have really blown me with your amazing strength of character and wit and of course your appreciation of Michelle in being there for you during a very difficult time. Your some man for one man.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Natalie Doyle says:

    Wow Keith, you are a true inspiration. I only found out today about your diagnosis and I was not surprised to hear you were dealing with it like the hero you are and always have been. You and Michelle are not only incredible people individually but such a strong and solid couple.
    I actually said the same thing to Donna earlier, you’re some man for one man Keith. Hopefully see you over the Christmas x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. keifib says:

      Thanks Natser x


  4. Donna says:

    So proud of you every day bro. Your attitude and humour is infectious. Angela is right, Noah will be meeting a real life superhero soon. Love you millions xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Helena Bohan says:

    Well done on the blog Keith – your courage shines through and is so inspiring …..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. keifib says:

      Thanks mummsy 😊


  6. Leanne McGarry says:

    Holy moly Keith what a very realistic, positive and as always funny account of your first messing. Have just heard about your diagnosis but going by your blog you haven’t lost that sense of humor and bright outlook on everything. Yourself and Michelle are rock solid and together you will overcome anything that comes your way. No doubt we will see each other over the festive season and possibly argue over who gets to cuddle Noah. Well done and thank you for sharing such a personal moment….simply amazing xxx


    1. keifib says:

      Thanks Leanne x


  7. Michelle Daly says:

    Fair play to you Keith. In work you are always so positive and always have time to talk to everyone and have a great sense of humour you would never know you were dealing with such issues outside of work. Your positivity is inspiring and I wish you the very best of luck in you journey of health πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Donal Kav says:

    Keith that was a great read. Takes a helluva lot of courage to be so open about it. Big thumbs up to yourself and Michelle for facing up to it and getting on with life the only way you know how, with a big ass cheesy grin on your face. Fair play lad πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Rachel Taylor-Coyle says:

    Who knew you had such a talent for writing!!! Such an insightful, honest and dare I say it funny blog. I started laughing because I was picturing you giggling away to yourself during the mindfulness session.
    It’s great that you’re sharing your story so other people can join you and Michelle and support you on this journey. You’ve come so far, and you’ve been such an inspiration to me, in how you’ve handled the past year with so much optimism and positivity which certainly paid off. You and Michelle are some team, I’m lucky to know two real life super heroes!!

    Already looking forward to your next blog

    Liked by 1 person

    1. keifib says:

      Thanks RTC and right back at ya! Hoping to blog each week but that lil old chestnut college is taking priority today 😦


  10. Clarita says:

    Love the blog arf arf! Only you can be going through all this while working full time and getting your degree, Leg-end. Nothing will stop Keithita from doing what he wants 😘 Can’t wait to see you and Michelle in December 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. keifib says:

      Thanks Clarita – looking forward to catching up at Amys wedding πŸ™‚


  11. Matt Byrne says:

    Another fine piece of writing son. Keep up the blogging. Looking forward to the next blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. keifib says:

    Reblogged this on Keifib.


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