Into the Unknown

After months and months of training, the big day has finally arrived and not a moment too soon.

Hopefully the Marathon goes according to plan.

I have had to forego blogging as I just couldn’t commit my time to it. I really believe my lack of writing has had a negative effect on my cognitive abilities. Anyway, I digress. It’s been an eventful few months to say the least. Most recently I had to have an MRI on my heart but that was only the epilogue to the long process that will see me face my toughest self-imposed challenge to date. I hope to find the time in the coming weeks to be able to blog about the journey that got me here…

In the meantime here’s the link to track people during the race and to my charity page 😊

My marathon number is 12014. You can follow my progress via the app. I’m in Wave 3 which starts at 9.30 am on Sunday Oct 28th

My charity page is below. Thankfully my target has been met but any further donation s are more than welcome 😊
